Services Provided

We specialise in the successful pinpointing of underground leaks. Using available detection technology we can identify a leak within close proximity, allowing minimal excavation. Various means of leakage detection tools can be utilised.
Step testing is a well known practise utilised for larger supply networks, with the aid of data loggers a visual assessment of the leakage losses can be identified.
Data Acquisition
We can provide continuous meter reads and data using on-site logger/s. The information supplied can identify consumption data which will enable the end user to assess his usage and adjust to suit his means. It can also identify potential leakage or water misuse.

Perfect Pressure use specialist camera technology, to enable our engineers to examine internal drains, pipes and sewers. This makes certain all defects are accurately identified, to ensure the most cost effective repair is undertaken.
Most drainage systems need cleaning eventually. Jetting provides a quick and cost effective solution to all common drainage problems, from minimal flow to major blockages. Our jetting service, can convert blockages to free flowing systems, with minimum disruption to you and your business.
Perfect Pressure supply an inclusive repair and renovation service for all drainage systems, both above and below ground. All excavation work is carried out by competent personnel who have been trained to meet the latest legislation and comply with all Health & Safety regulations.